Tuesday, July 24, 2018


Courtesy of familyfriendlysearch.com

Oh boy, beginning a discipline with saving money. I was never taught saving growing up because in one ear it was "can't afford it" and in the other ear, "I'm broke". This coming from my parents at the time and continued throughout my teens and adulthood. Unfortunately, I carried these beliefs even after having a child. Even if I attempted to save at the local bank, I felt at the time that I could not and used the money as fast as I saved it. 

After a series of "events" which included homelessness, I had to get a clue and I mean a serious clue. No matter how much one has good intentions, we must set forth actions that show that ones' intentions are good period. I began a journey of learning what was going on in my belief system to cause me to have episodes with money. I had to do a time machine of my life and found out that growing up and listening to well-meaning people like family and others was something I had to heal. It took discipline and time yet I was ready to do it. 

As years went by, I got a clue about money yet as the layers peeled back, the dominant thought was FEAR! It was the thing that held me frozen. As I changed my beliefs, things began to change but I had one foot on the brake and on the gas. FEAR was the culprit. I then began to dig deeper and questioned those fears and am now healing them.

This morning, I looked into my savings account, yes a savings account and found money in it. I felt relief instead of fear and look forward to more. All it took was changes within and go beyond my fears, doubts and worries. On my journey of frugality, healing helps a hell of a lot because you can be frugal as well as abundant.

Please share your thoughts in the comments and always be frugal and proud!


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