Thursday, August 9, 2018


I am sure you have heard the myths about money that being "the root of all evil", "people with money are evil and greedy" and so forth. What folks fail to realize is that those beliefs and more negative beliefs like these can keep folks broke. Mind you, do not be hard on yourself for believing these myths because you may have heard them in childhood to teen years and then carrying them in adulthood. These myths most likely came from parents, the church, and other 'well-meaning" folks. They most likely did not mean any harm, it was what they were raised with and carried through their lives. 

Now that you are an adult and handling money, it is time now to truly examine all beliefs about money. Why? Because if your financial situation was anything like mine: broke, broke and beyond broke, you will! It is so important because if you keep doing the same things over and over, things will not change (this statement is redundant yet bares reminding folks). We can not ignore the debt and lack of money skills in order to get ahead. Those credit cards, rent or mortgage won't pay for themselves so it is time to get a new mindset and keep it changed.

The bottom line to all of this is that we must RESPECT money. This is about awareness and insight into your situation. Oh come on Dot, what does respect have to do with it? A lot my loves, a lot. You see, respecting your money is like the following:

1.) Creating a budget and sticking to it. This helps to see where all of your money is going, not some of it. You do not budget when you feel like it but when you get paid from all channels of income...OK?

2.) You do not curse your bills as you write the checks because YOU created those bills and the companies were gracious to give you time to pay them after utilizing their services.

3.) Keeping your money neatly in your wallets with all ends smoothed out, NOT shoved into your wallets. You notice the men and their money clips? You see how neatly they keep their money in them? Boss!

5.) Not looking at that penny or other coins on the ground with disgust but picking it up, putting it away and washing it later when you wash your hands. Yes I do this, so those who find this asinine, SUE ME! I believe that the Universe is blessing us in many unforeseen ways with money (like a pennies from heaven thing).

6.) Blessing each dollar you receive and being grateful every time you receive it because it could be worse and not have any! Curse not if it isn't enough money in your life, find ways to make more because we have talents (no, not that one) where we can make money. My deceased father would say he was broke all the time and guess what? He was broke all the time. Words have power people. Do not even talk with others about your financial situation, do something about it..period!

7.) This tip I received from a millionaire was to give (yes, lots of millionaires are in plain clothes not just designer). I see why he is so blessed and he keeps giving to this day.

There you have it, ways to respect money because it will respect you in the long run. If you do not believe me, try it and please like, click, comment and share. Until next time....

Be Frugal and Proud!



  1. Good subject about money, my wife is always looking for money and always picks it up no matter how small amount
    One time after paying in a deposit at a building Society she spotted a £1 coin on the way out and grabbed it quick

    1. Yes, cheers to your wife and her thrifty ways. You married smart! :)
