Thursday, December 14, 2017


Do you have a pretty good handle on your money? How is your relationship with money? Good? Bad? Indifferent? Can you see yourself having a prosperous and abundant life? Lots of us wonder about these questions. Others do not care and continue to do what they want regardless of whether the situation is good or bad. If you are tired of having more month than money, no money at all or just tired of burying your head in the sand with the bills come in, this post can help.

First and foremost, it is time to stop beating yourselves up for the money mistakes you have made. Forgive yourself gently and learn the lessons! It is great to get 'how to' books on budgeting and all yet lets go deeper. A lot of the money issues that we have (yes me included) stem from past programming. This means growing up with these being told to us by our parents and other 'well-meaning' people. These are based on what they believed and since it manifested into their experiences, then they felt that they could relate them to you. Yet, not all advice is good advice because of the consequences. So it is time now to challenge every single belief that was told to you since a child. It does not matter that grandma said or grandpa said or mama said or daddy said. This is your life and since you want better in your life, we must think and do a thing in a different way. 

Lets go into some of those old beliefs here as follows:
Were you told beliefs such as;

(1.) "Money does not grow on trees"
(2.) "It is better to be poor and spiritual, than rich and evil."
(3.) "Money is the root of all evil." (this one is very popular)
(4.) "Once someone gets money, they get arrogant."

Honestly, do you really believe each of these and why? (1.) No money does not grow on trees so that one can be release from your mind. (2.) The second one is based on what others believed in regard to their religion yet is it your religion? There are folks that are just as rich, spiritual and kind people as there are poor people who are evil. Get it? Good. (3.) The third one is from the Bible yet has been misconstrued and misunderstood for years! The true text is that the love of money above your deity (higher power) is the root of all evil; not money itself. I believe that while many people have money, they do not keep it very long because subconsciously, they fear it and get rid of it. (4.) The last belief in this list is that money only magnifies the person's true character. This means that if the person was evil from the beginning, having more money will cause them to be more evil. This can go for kind people being more kinder, arrogant people being more arrogant and so forth.

There a lots more beliefs that can be challenged and it would be a great idea to list them as you go along and really examine each one. This can mean the difference between having a new and better prosperity mindset as oppose to staying in the same place.

Your respectful comments are truly appreciated and thank you.

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