Wednesday, June 13, 2018


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There will be those "well meaning" folks that will tell you that you can not take money with you when you pass away. There will be those who will call you cheap, tight-assed or stingy (frugal people are not these things) because you are not spending thousands of dollars on trips that they put on their credit cards (you would rather save for it). Those brunch dates with that circle you used to hang with has gotten smaller (you are not longer joining them, you'd rather cook that brunch at home). Or what about going to the outlet mall near you and rack up because you chose to pay 50 to 75% off (because you choose to not pay retail). This is the life of a frugal person and they do not care what you think....period.

When you are on the path of being frugal after being so broke that a penny seems like a million dollars you change your mindset quick. Those old demons of spending may come up but you tell it "get behind me assholes" (oops...sorry). You have grown tired of the layoffs and not having that cushion to help you through as you file unemployment. You had to learn the hard way because you grew up without the tools to help you become financially solvent. You pretty much had to learn to ride the bike and fall until you got it. 

Making changes in your mind to be a better money manager can be a challenge but sticking to it will cause it to work. This is part of my story and in many posts, I will share more because it was time to become transparent. Thanks for reading. Be frugal and proud!


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