Courtesy of Lenny Credit
As you work your way to another level, lets remember something while we are bettering our money life: MONEY IS GOOD! Place note cards around your house with this statement, affirm it all day and when others say contrary, remind yourself that MONEY IS GOOD. This part of your money work is very important because as you continue to believe that money is good, you will attract experiences that will confirm your belief.
I know that you have heard directly or indirectly that money is the root of all evil. This is one of the most misquoted words in the bible. It is the love of money above your God (Spirit, etc.) that is considered evil. No wonder a lot of people would do whatever it takes to get rid of the money; yet on the other hand once that money is gone, moaning and groaning about not having any starts.
Each week, I want to help you to heal the inner that keeps money at bay from you by posting these messages. No matter how much money you receive, if your inner is not matching your outer, the money becomes elusive. So it is very important to take each post I write and be very serious with it because we have to make peace with our past money situations.
You must surround yourself with those who can help you to become a better money steward. Those you have been filling your head with negativity involving money need to be let go in peace. These people can keep you from attracting the abundance and prosperity. Forgive yourself for your money beliefs and please do not beat yourself up for having them. If you knew better of course you will do better.
Question each and every belief around money and turn them around with an answer. Those answers will help you to take control of changing your thinking, then change your life. Congratulate yourself on every positive action you take involving money such as building your savings account, sacrificing those weekend hangouts for putting your money away for a business venture. You get the jest. Get professional help if needed and this is not a negative thing because you want a better life.
Remember, MONEY IS GOOD and until next time....
Be Frugal and Proud,
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