Courtesy of Julette Millien
According to the dictionary, a habit is 'a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up', "this can develop into a bad habit". A good habit is 'a behavior that is beneficial to one's physical or mental health, often linked to a high level of discipline and self-control'. When it comes to creating habits involving being financially prudent, we must start small and build until the habits become as natural as keeping up personal hygiene.
The habit of saving is one which is very important in building not only financial solvency but a prosperity consciousness. Most say that they can not save, do not have enough money or find it useless to do so. From experience, I was never taught to save because of lack consciousness from relatives. I had to learn the hard way and it was a lesson that has stuck with me to this day. It is not the amount of money that you save, but the habit of just starting and keeping it going...period. Even if it is $1 a week or $5 a week, just start! As time passes, it becomes a habit which will evolve into bigger saving.
Another habit to embrace is the act of giving. This habit has helped lots of people become wealthy and built generational wealth. You can find a charity of your choice and start small like the above mentioned saving method. Remember, as you build this habit, you will not only feel good as a giver, but the receiver will benefit as well.
The final habit I want to touch on is the habit of being grateful. Yes, the 'attitude of gratitude'. We can dwell on the so-called bad things happening around us or be grateful for what is going on in your life for the good. Even sometimes, those seemingly "bad things" turn out to be things to be grateful for. As you give thanks for what you have, you attract more. Develop the habit of just thanking your higher power for waking up and being "clothed in your right mind" (as the elders would say). Also be grateful for the money you do have in your bank account(s) and the ability to pay bills as best you can. You can find lots of things to be grateful for.
Start today with one habit you would like to develop into something positive and keep it going. Share in the comment section below and be sure to subscribe on the up right side of the page. Until next time be...
Frugal and Proud
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