Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Courtesy of thefrugalcanadian.com

Here are four frugal living tips courtesy of The Wallet Moth that you can use in your journey of frugality:

1. Use Up Your Leftovers

Christmas is undoubtedly one time of year where leftovers are aplenty, and many of us can be guilty of throwing some of those goods away rather than using them all up in time.
If you find yourself throwing away a lot of uneaten food, make using up your leftovers a habit to start this year. A few great ways to ensure you always have the correct amounts of food to eat each week include:
  • Plan out your food shops
  • Buy a durable set of tuppaware to store your leftovers safely
  • Portion out extras and store them in your fridge
  • Make use of your freezer! If you have leftovers that won’t be eaten in time, package and label them and keep in the freezer for another week instead of throwing out.

2. Take Packed Lunches (and Breakfasts…and Dinners!)

Spending $5 a day on a tasty lunch might not feel like a big expense, but if you do that 5 times a day every week, you’re looking at spending upwards of $1,200 a year on food that could easily be made at home for far less money.
Cooking your own meals is not only cheaper, it can also be much healthier as you know exactly what is going into your meals.
Check out my post on 10 meal-prep meals perfect for packed lunches for some inspiration!

3. Avoid All Late Fees

Late fees are a totally avoidable expense, and that’s why this habit is so essential to start this year.
Set a reminder a few days before your bills are due to be paid, and make sure that you have budgeted enough to be able to pay these bills when they’re due.
A late fee of a few pounds each month might not seem like too much, but again, those fees really rack up if you take a look at the bigger picture over a year.

4.  A Tidy Home

A tidy home means a tidy mind, so staying on top of your cleaning around the home is a great way to keep the calm, minimal atmosphere you want to create for a more frugal lifestyle. 
You may be a natural neat freak, or you may be like me and need a little reminder each day to fold your clothes and not slam them into your wardrobe (heh, it’s not just me – right?!). Either way, I’ve really found that keeping my environment clean and tidy goes a long way to cleaning up the rest of my act – including my spending.
Simple things like keeping on top of the washing up, giving your room a tidy each day, and keeping floors and surfaces free of dust are all easy habits to build.

Got other tips? Please leave your comments below. Be frugal and proud!


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