Saturday, January 6, 2018


You have been building your online business for some time, making sacrifices in spending time with friends, going out and even in some cases your sleep. It was well worth it because you are now finding yourself in the five-figure bracket. You spend your money wisely of course and share the happy news with your circle of five friends that have been in your life since college. 

Four of those friends are now planning to take you out to celebrate yet you find that one friend who you were the closest to, shrugging your happiness off. This friend has had fast starts and stops in her business and has now put it on hold. She can not seem to understand why your business took off like a rocket. As you remember back, the slight insults she made like "businesses fail in the first two years" or "why waste your time, it won't go far anyway" with a 'just kidding' phony smile made you sit and think...

Mind you, this is just a fictional scenario or is it? While a lot of fellow entrepreneurs like myself and others work tirelessly on our dreams, others who we have counted on whether they were friends, family, and even lovers seem to take a stage left or sit patiently waiting for you to fail and then to say to you " I told you so!". It is so very important to know circle and be ready to do house cleaning where necessary. 

The late Jim Rohn said that the five people closest to you are the ones that can determine your come up or downfall and also how much money you earn, so please analyze carefully. Here are some tips on knowing when to make major changes in your circle.

1.) Does your circle support and encourage your dreams? 

2.) Are they there for you when you have your down days, such as when things not going right? Or are they only there when the bags are being secured?

3.) Do you find yourself the brunt of so-called "just kidding" barbs directed at you? You know those verbal slights made only to find yourself not laughing.

4.) Do you feel really alone on your journey, while everyone else seems to not have time to help you? 

5.) Are there folks coming up to you with criticisms about your dream and you later learned that someone in your so-called circle has been throwing shade?

If you find yourself answering yes to the questions, then it's time to do housework. When you do it, however, bless them and release them. There is no need for drama, trauma, doom, and gloom. Just quietly separate yourself (more productiveness in your business) and wish them well. Learn the lessons from the experience and build a better circle. Know what kind of people that you want in your circle and concentrate on what you want period. 

Lots of folks do not want to grow and by you showing them that you are, it shakes them to the core. This is not your problem, only theirs and you must keep it moving.

Please Instagram me at @prosperous1__ to follow me and leave your comments below. Be sure to tell your friends. I support and encourage you!💕

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